The XBoötes Survey

The XBoötes Survey ( Murray et al. 2005) is a 5-ks Chandra survey of the Boötes Field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. The matched catalogs present the 3,213 X-ray point-sources in the XBoötes survey (reproduced from Kenter et al. 2005), and the matched optical and near-IR properties from the NDWFS DR3 (Jannuzi et al. in preparation and Dey et al. in preparation). The catalog of the optical and near-IR counterparts of the X-ray point sources is presented in Brand et al. 2006 (ApJ in press; copy below). The full matched catalog including both the X-ray and optical/near-IR properties is presented below. The catalogs are matched using a Bayesian identification scheme (see Brand et al. (2006) for details). All optical sources with >1% probability of being the match to an X-ray source are included. To select only the most probable optical counterpart (including no optical counterpart), one should select only the sources with optical rank=1.

The XBoötes Catalogs

The catalog of the X-ray point sources in the XBoötes Survey. Includes properties of all 3,293 X-ray point sources reproduced from Kenter et al. 2005 .

Catalog of optical counterparts to the X-ray sources in the XBoötes Survey. Version 1.0 (June 21, 2005). Includes the optical and near-IR properties of all 3,213 X-ray point sources from the XBoötes Survey which overlap with the NDWFS survey. This table is reproduced from Brand et al. 2006, ApJ, in press.

Full Catalog of optical counterparts to the X-ray sources in the XBoötes Survey including all the X-ray and optical/IR properties. Version 1.0 (June 21, 2005). Full catalog including both the X-ray and optical and near-IR properties of all 3,213 X-ray point sources which overlap with the NDWFS survey (near-IR coverage partial at the time of the generation of this catalog)

Please cite at least the Kenter et al. 2005 and Brand et al. 2006 papers if you make use of the matched catalogs.

A copy of the Brand et al. 2006 paper can be obtained here (pdf version) or here (postscript version).