January 7, 2006 FLAMEX Public Data Release DR1 (Cetus) The DR1 release for the Cetus region is now complete. The file formats are the same as for Bootes. There is one noteworthy difference between the two catalogs, which relates to the completeness simulations. For the Bootes region the effective radii of the simulated galaxies were 0.07-0.5 arcsec (0.5-4.0 kpc at z=1). In the current release of the Cetus data the effective radii of the simulated galaxies are 0.23-1.1 arcsec, with the expectation that we will eventually also run a set of simulations for Bootes with this new range of effective radii. The differences in effective radii for the two survey regions should have a minimal effect for most applications. If you are concerned about the impact for your particular project, please contact me (anthony@astro.ufl.edu) and I will be happy to assist. September 30, 2005. FLAMEX Public Data Release DR1 (Bootes) DR1 includes the J and Ks catalogs resulting from the FLAMINGOS Extragalactic Survey (FLAMEX). As noted on the web page, the Bootes data is available today; the Cetus data will be available shortly. For an overview of the survey observations and data reductions we refer the reader to Elston et al. 2005, which has been submitted to ApJ. The current draft of this paper is posted on the publications page, with the large warning that this is indeed a draft that has not yet been accepted. If you refer to this paper, please check back in a few weeks for an updated version to confirm that there have been no substantive changes. Additional questions about the survey procedures can be addressed to Anthony Gonzalez. The .tgz files on the web page contain the matched J and Ks catalogs for the survey. The survey is Ks-selected, with the J catalog generated using SExtractor in dual image mode. The headers should be mostly self-explanatory, but there are a few items that warrant clarification: Column 0 (Galaxy IDs): The first column contains a unique galaxy identification number for each source. This is included for utility, but for publication the standard coordinate naming convention is preferred, with the prefix FLX J. Column 1 (Subfields): The alphanumberic naming convention in this column identifies the specific subfield in which the object was detected. This is useful for quantifying field-to-field variations, but otherwise likely of limited interest to most people. Those interested in more information on the subfield naming convention may contact the FLAMEX team. Columns 2-82: These columns correspond to the standard SExtractor outputs and as such should be self-explanatory. Beware that the RUNNING_ID_NUMBER in column 2 refers to a given subfield and does not uniquely identify an object within the full catalog. Also, WE STRONGLY CAUTION YOU NOT TO USE THE 1.5"-3" APERTURE MAGNITUDES FOR OBJECT PHOTOMETRY! The FLAMINGOS instrument has intrinsic aberrations that cause the psf to vary significantly across the field, and these apertures are too small to produce robust photometry across an entire subfield. They are of interest only in some technical applications (like quantifying this variation). Column 83: This column provides the relative exposure weight of the image at the location of the object detection (xpeak,ypeak) normalized to a maximum value of 1.0. This exposure weight is used in computing the completeness limits for each object Column 84-108: These columns contain quantities derived from our completeness simulations. In columns 84-97 we provide our best estimates of the photometric uncertainties as derived from these simulations. Note that these values are systematically larger than the output of SExtractor. In column 98-107 we provide the 50% completeness limit at the location of each object for the AUTO and aperture magnitudes. Note that we do not provide completeness limits for apertures smaller than 4" for the reasons discussed above. Finally, column 108 contains the computed object detection probability based upon the 6" aperture magnitude and detection limit. For all of the above quantities, we defer to the user to exercise appropriate judgement with respect to significant digits. For the derived quantities in particular the current format gives much higher precision that is warranted. Enjoy.